You should have read chapters 1 and 2, and also reviewed lecture notes from the prior class before coming to class, as well as chapter 3 for next class.
In chapter 3 you're introduced to cultural concepts. Ralph Linton stated that the last thing a fish would notice would be water. What did he mean by that?
This is a picture of my mother and I in 1967. Notice the characteristic beehive hairdo on my mom. What was American culture like in 1967?
How does it compare to today or even to 100 years ago? How will culture shift in your lifetime? Will beehive hairdos return? Why not? Bell-bottom jeans did!
1) Complete your Research Concepts paper before next class (last page of the lecture handout) that we started in class. It's due next week.
2) Read this Wikipedia link. Be prepared next class to be able to list some of the cultural reasons for the practice of Chinese Foot Binding. Chinese Foot Binding (Wiki)
3) Check out this link and be ready to discuss cultural norms and your assessment of the situation in Cameroon. Breast Ironing in Cameroon
4) Also check out this video. Media Affects Body Image
5) Neil Postman - Amusing Ourselves to Death (impactful!)
Let me know if you have questions. Don't forget the green/yellow/red technique as you read and review the textbook and your notes.
See you next class.