Aren't you glad hairstyles and fads change? This is the haircut my mother thought would be perfect for my 3rd grade picture.
Here you will find articles, suggestions and hints as we move through the semester. You can learn more about a concept we've discussed in class, and read your homework for the week. In addition, I have placed useful links and YouTube video clips on the site and I'll update them to match the topics we're discussing. Send me your suggestions or broken links.
Your homework this week is to read all four assignments on your MCC SOC 101 homepage and select one to do this semester, optionally (except Summer session classes). You must tell me which asmt by the 2nd class and you can't change it, except to move it closer (due earlier). Each asmt is started and completed at a different time during the semester. Each assignment corresponds with a unit of learning and may not be started prior to that unit, and is due on the day of one of the exams. Review the syllabus to see when you would start and complete your chosen assignment.You can always opt out later -- it's not required.
In addition, review these websites prior to next week's class. You don't have to read every webpage in depth, but please surf each page a bit. Please also log into Canvas to view your Gradebook points at any time.
- American Sociological Association
- Careers in Sociology (ASA)
- Census Bureau
- Definition of Sociology (Wikipedia)
- List of Sociologists (Wiki)
- SOC topics/definitions (Wikipedia)
- Sociology at ASU
Welcome to SOC 101! If you have questions let me know.
PS: The college would like you to know about the EARS program.
MCC Early Alert Program (EARS)
Mesa Community College is committed to the success of all our students. Numerous campus support services are available throughout your academic journey to assist you in achieving your educational goals. MCC has adopted an Early Alert Referral System (EARS) as part of a student success initiative to aid students in their educational pursuits. Faculty and Staff participate by alerting and referring students to campus services for added support. Students may receive a follow up call from various campus services as a result of being referred to EARS. Students are encouraged to participate, but these services are optional. Early Alert Web Page with Campus Resource Information can be located at: http://www.mesacc.edu/students/ears.
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